Academic Management Professionals (AMP)

AMP Executive Board Nominations 2024/25
We invite nominations for college/school representatives on the Academic Management Professionals (AMP) Executive Board for 2024/25. Elected representatives may be asked or nominated to serve in officer roles upon joining the board. Descriptions of the officer roles can be found below.
Eligibility to serve on the Executive Board is based upon membership eligibility. Per AMP Bylaws revised in April 2024, membership is defined as follows: staff who support the teaching, research, service, and administrative functions within school/colleges and who are not represented by an exclusive agent are welcome to join if they choose.
Nominations are open from June 18 to June 24, 2024. Self-nominations are welcome. Nominees will be asked for a short bio.
Elections will be held from July 1, 2024 to July 5, 2024, for voting members.
There will be a 2024/25 AMP Executive Board transitional meeting in August 2024 and 2024/25 service begins in September 2024.
Position Descriptions
Chair and Vice- Chair
A Chair and Vice-Chair shall be selected by the Executive Board and shall serve a two-year term. The first year will constitute serving as Vice-Chair, the second year will constitute service as the Chair. The Chair presides over all AMP meetings. The Chair is in charge with ensuring that a meeting agenda is set and that meetings are called in a timely fashion. The Chair should ensure that the decision of AMP membership is carried out. In addition, the Chair serves as the spokesperson for the organization. The Vice Chair will preside over AMP meetings in the absence or disability of the Chair. The Vice Chair is also the chair of the Elections committee.
Immediate Past Chair
The Immediate Past Chair shall serve on the AMP Executive Board. The Immediate Past Chair shall provide advisory support and historical knowledge to the Executive Board as needed. The Immediate Past Chair shall also serve as Chair of the Bylaws Committee. Upon expiration of the term, the Immediate Past Chair shall assume the title of Past Chair of AMP.
The Secretary shall maintain the minutes and proceedings of all meetings and shall record all votes of the organization. Meeting minutes will be distributed via e-mail to members of the committee prior to monthly meetings. Minutes should be archived to a repository for members and the Executive Committee to access when necessary. In the event the Secretary is not available the Chair can appoint someone to take minutes for that meeting.
The Treasurer shall be entrusted with all finances of the organization and be responsible for itemized accounting of all receipts and disbursements, receipts and deposit of all funds (e.g. sponsorship from colleges, donations, fundraisers initiatives), maintain the financial records of AMP. The Treasurer shall provide the committee with a written financial report on a quarterly basis or as requested by the Executive Committee. The books of the Treasurer shall be examined by the Chair at any time and by any voting members of the organization at a reasonable time in the presence of the Chair and the Treasurer. Financial records shall be turned over to the new officers at the end of the Treasurer term of office.
Marketing and Communication Co-Chairs
The Marketing and Communication Co-Chairs will manage and disseminate all communications, press releases, and promotional materials related to AMP’s mission, purpose, events, partnerships and opportunities to staff at UC Riverside. The Co-Chairs will maintain the current mailing list of the membership, update and maintain the AMP website and all related social media accounts. Promotional materials used to highlight the programs, activities and events of AMP should be sent to the Secretary after the conclusion of the event. The Co-Chairs will also be responsible for the development and maintenance of all branding materials related to AMP. The Co-Chairs will work cooperatively and collaboratively to determine the workload and areas of responsibility that each will manage in this role.
System-Wide AMP Representative
Two Riverside campus representatives will be elected from the regular and ex-officio membership to serve as the Systemwide AMP Steering Committee. Each representative will serve a two-year term, with elections held each year for the purpose of selecting one representative. If extenuating circumstances occur, both representatives will continue to serve with approval from the Executive Board. The new representative should be nominated by the Executive Board and majority vote.
College/School Representative
Representatives shall be elected for a two-year term. Efforts should be made to include representatives from each academic unit. The Chair can nominate a candidate and the board appoints by a majority vote. The Board has the authority to appoint Representatives for unexpected vacancies or if there is no candidate for an election. The executive board can dismiss someone by majority vote if duties are neglected.
Current vacancies to represent the following: School of Business and School of Medicine
Events and Professional Development Chair
The Events and Professional Development Chair shall plan and coordinate all professional development offerings and events in coordination with the Executive Board. This position will chair the AMP professional development committee, represent AMP as a standing member on the Highlander Mentor Connection (HMC) Committee and coordinate professional development opportunities with other staff affinity groups. The Professional Development and Events Chair shall coordinate with the Marketing and Communications Chair to advertise opportunities and events to AMP membership.